Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Arkansas Lifestyle Photographer

Ashley and Chris Collins might be one of the sweetest couples I know. When word got out that Russellville would host a Hot Air Balloon Festival, Ashley got in touch with me about taking Anniversary photos for herself and her husband. When Ashley explained that she and Chris were actually engaged on a Hot Air Balloon, I was even more excited to take these Anniversary photos for them!

"Chris and I started dating the summer of 1997. Wow I can't believe it has been that long ago!! Going back to that summer...I had a friend in school who wanted to set me up on a blind date. I was worried but agreed to a movie with him and her and her boyfriend of course. They came to pick me up, I looked out the window and "wow"! He was gorgeous!! Then he spoke!! What an adorable country voice! I was in love!!! We dated off and on for a period of almost 6 years and in that time we got engaged. It was the sweetest proposal in history."

"Chris's fraternity brother had a hot air balloon and we had taken several trips in the balloon so I assumed this trip was just like the ones before. All the times before Chris was the balloon crew though. He followed the balloon and helped put it up and take it down. This particular morning in December of 2001 (18th to be exact) he brought his Big Bro with him so he got to join us for the ride. We lifted off at Millard Henry and was flying over Russellville, just as we were about to cross the lake Chris told me "look at that tree" what I saw was not a tree but a banner in the middle of the road that read "Marry Me? CRC" and JW stopping traffic. It was seriously the sweetest thing ever!!! He had my ring, a rose and was on his knee."

"The date was set...September 21, 2002. We planned and even sent out the invites...all 300 of them just to call everyone on September 6 and tell them the wedding had been called off. I was heart broken. Looking back on the whole thing I understand. We had a whole lot of growing up to do and we did. He married a few years later and I did only a few months after him. We both had children in those marriages and I truly wouldn't change the life we lived for what we have now."

"Chris was divorced after 5 years of marriage and mine followed shortly after. Chris and I found each other on Facebook...even though we lived in the same town. We never saw one another. We dated for almost a year and he proposed to me the 2nd time with a prenuptial agreement. Defiantly not as sweet as the first but something we laugh about today. When he proposed to me the 2nd time I was  asked not only to be his wife, but to marry into his family, that meant to take his sweet baby girl as my own."

 "I couldn't have asked for a better love story and I wouldn't change anything we have. I feel that I appreciate him so much more than I would have had we married before. Although our last proposal was a quick one with a prenuptial, on Thursday and a Wedding on Saturday, I would marry that man again the exact same way. He is my very best friend, best father and sweetest husband I could ever ask for."